Movies, Books, Chocs and Rare Critters





We’ve all heard of chocolate bilbies and quokkas, so why not choc numbats? The Margaret River Chocolate Company has just released a new numbat product with part proceeds going toward the protection our highly endangered numbats.

The numbat is our state animal emblem and there are now believed to be less than 1000 numbats left in the wild. They need all the help we can give them. A number of them recently perished in the tragic and controversial Perup controlled burn.

The Starfish has a giveaway of the new numbat chockies to help kick things off. Jacqui’s story is in this edition.


Martin Black of The MR Chocolate Company


We attended the launch of WritingWA’s The Literary Map of Western Australia at the Double Tree by Hilton last week.

The new map is designed to connect travellers with West Australian literature. It is a fully interactive online map featuring books and authors from all over the state.


Writing WA Chair Guy Boyce launching the new map


The project aims to showcase WA’s considerable literary talent while enabling readers to explore a range of WA destinations and the stories and books that have been written about them.

You can explore the Literary Map of Western Australia at



We have interview the wonderful Brigid Lowry, whose new collection of essays A Year of Loving Kindness to Myself  has received rave reviews. Apple included the book on its monthly list of must-reads.

We also chat to WA filmmaker Jennene Rigg about her upcoming online series on WA’s rare native animal conservation programs. Be it dibblers, rufus hare-wallabies or noisy scrub birds, the series Rewilding the West has them covered. It is hoped the eight-part series, online later in the year, will raise awareness of our fragile and threatened fauna.

We popped into Gallows Gallery for a squiz at the collection of new works by WA artist John Cullinane. Red stickers abounded at the solo show, proof that John, whose works in oils can be found in collections all over the world, is at the top of his form. Review herein.

Ros Seale headed off to the movies to see the moving, beautifully shot, Kiwi flick, Cousins, and gives it her inimitable appraisal.

Most of us aren’t too fast to fast, but given the right regime it can have real health benefits. Jamie Rose Chambers has produced a book of ideas and recipes that is just the ticket for those serious about staying in tip top shape through diet and denial.



The 16:8 Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle Plan offers recipes like her delicious apple, coconut and macadamia cake. Check it out in this edition of The Starfish.

Peter & Jacqui