We may be having to endure a global pandemic, but reading Perth…
Category: Places
Saving WA’s Black Cockatoos
As we watch a flock of Carnaby’s cockatoos descending on Norfolk Pines…
Parmenter Pops Bugs – and Shares Recipe
I had never intended becoming a killer, but it happened. And it wasn’t…
Perth Physio’s Life-changing Spell in Ethiopia
A chance encounter with an elderly nun in WA’s north-west was to…
Lights, Camera, Action on the Cape!
One rarely scrabbles about too long for an excuse to visit Margaret River, so…
Fiction: Year of the Cat by Tom Percy
It wasn’t a Balinese cat, that was for sure. The sleek, pure black…
Yuot’s Harrowing Tale of Survival in Sudan
WA-based mining engineer and author Yuot A. Alaak  sometimes marvels he survived his…
Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost Happiness
If you haven’t yet read The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, you’ve probably heard of…
Italy and the Virus
Italy continues to suffer terribly from the Covid-19 pandemic and the country has been in lockdown…