Miik Green’s Phantasia of Colour and Form

      Linton & Kay Galleries has sailed out of the pandemic doldrums in a blaze…

Yuot’s Harrowing Tale of Survival in Sudan

      WA-based mining engineer and author Yuot A. Alaak  sometimes marvels he survived his…

Arundhati Roy’s The Ministry of Utmost Happiness

    If you haven’t yet read The Ministry of Utmost Happiness,  you’ve probably heard of…

Film: A White, White Day

      A White, White Day is a suspenseful Icelandic drama centred on a retired…

Film: The Booksellers

      If you love books you will not want to miss this engaging documentary.…

Art is Back!

    What a buzz, to be walking back into local art galleries, enjoying the offerings…

Budgerigar, The Book

      A small and enchanting book arrived at Starfish HQ recently. Called Budgerigar, it…

La Bella Bologna

      We were barrelling southeast on the Milano-Bologna line at 320kms an hour. The…

New Notting Hill Rom-Com: Love Sarah

    There were cheers from the preview audience at Luna Leederville when Luna Palace marketing…

Writers’ Picks for Iso Reading

      The Starfish  sought out some popular WA writers to find out what they’ve…