ABC Compass is airing a daring and innovative short film, Recorder Queen, on Sunday night, combining animation, documentary footage and live performance with a stellar line-up of musicians in a celebration of the joy of music.
It is a journey into the musical inner world of virtuoso recorder player Genevieve Lacey, beautifully directed by Sophie Raymond.
Says Sydney producer Clare Sawyer: “I can’t begin to say how happy I am to have finished this semi-animated doco I have been working on for many years! Sophie, who’s been at the helm of this work, deserves every bit of praise that will come her way for directing and conceiving of such an extraordinary project, along with the inconceivably talented virtuoso Geneveive Lacey.”
Explore and enjoy the creative mind of a dazzling international artist at the top of her game while savouring the music of Katz-Chermin, Bach, Paul Kelly, Vivaldi, The Brandenberg Orchestra, Brett Dean, and the Flinders Quartet.
- Recorder Queen airs on ABC Compass onĀ Sunday, August 23 at 6.30pm.
Look forward to watching !